An Executor is a class designed to trigger a job in an external service, and are the backbone of Processes.
The main method that defines an Executor is run
class Executor:
def run(cls, process: Process, user_params: dict, user: User, *args, **kwargs) -> RunResult:
The method is used as a class method, and should not store anything that isn't required for every use of this executor (these should go in parameters instead).
When a run is triggered, this method is called with the Process object (containing the system parameters), the user parameters, and the ID of the Spade user who triggered the run. The result is a RunResult object, denoting things such as if the job was successful, any output of the action, or an error message if something went wrong.
In the case that a History Provider is used alongside the Executor, the result of that History Provider will override the returned RunResults of the Executor.